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Birdwatching Adventure

Birding enthusiasts will find a veritable paradise in the Arenal Volcano National Park.  An unforgettable hike in a colorful wonderland of tropical birds.  Expect to spot bright-beaked toucans, loud parrots, oropendolas and their impressive basket nests, parakeets, and brilliant tanagers.  For experienced birdwatchers, the naturalist guide will hone his skills on finding royal flycatchers, white-fronted nunbirds, cinnamon woodpeckers, and other elusive species.

(2 pax minimum)

Group Tour:

  • Departure time: 5:30am and 2:00 pm (After 15th december 2024)
  • Duration: 3.5 hours

Recommended Gear:

  • Comfortable clothing
  • Hiking shoes
  • Insect repellent
  • Hat
  • Raingear
  • Sunscreen
  • Camera & binoculars

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