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Kayak & Mountain Bike Adventure

Arenal Volcano’s expansive lake and surrounding trails create a unique opportunity to engage in active discovery.  A two hour kayaking session will let you explore the lake’s shores and islets in a quest for local bird species including ospreys, kingfishers, neotropical cormorants, and aningas.  You will also spot howler monkeys, spider monkeys, white-nosed coatis, and sloths.  The kayaking session will end with a nutritious lakeside picnic to get you ready for the next adventure, a mountain biking expedition through traditional rural communities, flowing creeks, and rugged trails.

Group Tour:

Duration: 3.5 hours

Recommended Gear:

  • Quick-dry clothes
  • Towel
  • Tennis shoes
  • Sunscreen
  • Insect repellent
  • Bathing suit
  • Change of clothes & shoes

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