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WW Rafting Class III

A fun river adventure!  Set in the lowlands of the rainforest and framed by breathtaking views of lush jungle landscapes this section of the Sarapiquí River is perfect for beginners and experts alike.  Its class II & III rapids make this trek a family favorite.  You will paddle along 14 kms (8.7 miles) of flowing river over the course of approximately 2 ½ hours.  Fun, exciting splash rapids are given pause by a series of flatwater crystalline pools that give you a chance to rest, splash around like a kid, and enjoy the sight of tropical birds.  The adventure concludes at the Sibaja Family property where you can shower and change in private facilities and enjoy a hearty traditional Costa Rican lunch.

Group Tour:

  • Departure time: 8:25am 
  • Duration: 7 hours

Recommended Gear:

  • Quick-dry clothes or bathing suit
  • Towel
  • Training or walking shoes/sports sandals
  • Sunscreen
  • Change of clothes & shoes

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