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Tropical Birding Tour

Luna Nueva is an excellent location for birding, whether you are an experienced birder looking for species to add to your life list, or a nature lover who wants to enjoy magnificent toucans, jeweled hummingbirds, and colorful tanagers from the lodge balconies or our canopy tower. The lodge is located on the Caribbean slope, at 1080 to 1150 feet elevation. It includes a primary rainforest of 126 acres, and 82 acres of secondary forest, fields and gardens, and features trails to explore and bird on your own or with a professional guide. More than 450 species have been recorded within the Arenal area, and over 250 birds have been recorded on our private reserve alone.

Birders and nature lovers will enjoy:

A 35-foot high canopy tower, where you can easily observe and photograph colorful toucans, euphonias, honeycreepers, and hundreds more.
Maintained trails that cross secondary forest, primary forest, open areas and gallery forests. A Luna Nueva bird list developed by Juan Diego Vargas & Mirna Salas, both professional birding guides, that describes where you can find species of interest on the reserve.
Native flowering plants that attract 20 different hummingbird species, including the famous black-crested Coquette.
Proximity to the Children’s Eternal Rainforest; San Ramon Cloud Forest; Arenal Lake, and other excellent birdwatching locations (see our birdwatching tours page for more information). As part of our commitment to rainforest restoration, we have planted a wildlife corridor along the Chachagua River that is linked to the Children’s Eternal Rainforest, just 600 meters away.

Morning Birding Tour

  • Schedule your guide 24 hours in advance
  • Departure from reception 6 AM
  • Duration: Approximately 2 hours
  • Recommended ages: All ages
  • Minimum: 2 people
  • What to bring: Quick dry clothing or poncho, sunblock, bug spray, camera.

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