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Farm tour

Take a tour of the future of food production

For many people it’s a highlight of their trip to Costa Rica.   We are probably not like any other farm you’ve ever visited or even imagined.  We are dedicated, on every meter of land, to producing the healthiest food for our guests while at the same time regenerating topsoil and biological diversity. We are a leading exponent of the “regenerative agriculture” revolution, and taking our farm tour will introduce you to this “beyond organic” celebration of holistic food production.

You will not only see but taste, from season to season, many of the foods and spices we grow at Luna Nueva. If you’re open to taste-bud challenges, we can offer you a living experience of Thai food, nibbling on galangal and makrut lime, or you can sample the foundational spices of Indian cuisine such as ginger, turmeric, holy basil, cardamom, and black pepper.  We have planted over 90 species of tropical fruit trees, and every day offers up different exotic fruits to sample on the tour.  We have many foods historically used for medicine or cosmetics, and we invite our guests to be experimental.  Who knows?  The lipstick tree might be fruiting and you can paint your face bright red.  Or the bilimbi tree might be producing hundreds of green fruits that look and taste like sour pickles.  On the farm tour that sour fruit is growing next to the Miracle Fruit, and sometimes we can chew on the fruits of the Miracle Fruit and turn sour tastes into sweet delights.  And almost every day you can eat raw cacao fruits directly off the trees.  You’ll be amazed how chocolate begins its journey.

  • Departure from Reception: 9:00 am (subject to change in High/Holiday season)
  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Recommended for all ages
  • What to bring: Quick dry clothing or poncho, sun block, mosquito repellent

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