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CHOCOLATE & COFFEE TOUR $45 per person

Experience the rich culture of coffee and chocolate that permeates Costa Rican society.

We offer two tours in one. First, we have the coffee tour, where you will learn about the wonderful history of coffee and the importance it had for the development of Costa Rica. You will be able to see all the processes carried out to create a delicious cup of coffee, from the seed to the delicious final product, a cup of coffee.

The second part of this tour will be the chocolate tour. You will enjoy the aromas and the history of cocoa. You will be able to participate in the chocolate process and taste the fruit of the cacao plant and see first-hand the magnificent transformation of a cacao bean. We will show you the entire transition process from cocoa beans to ground cocoa. Our goal is for you to learn the complex process of growing cocoa and coffee. It will also help the company to restore the traditional and cultural uses of coffee and cocoa in Costa Rica.

This tour is accessible for the whole family, 100% of our trails are concrete which is wheelchair accessible.

Includes: Tour guide, tickets, coffee, and chocolate tasting.

What to bring: Mosquito-repellent and comfortable clothes.

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